telephone: (48-61) 8790-790 (48-61) 6652-375 e-mail: blazewic@sol.put.poznan.plJacek Blazewicz, Professor (Ph.D. 1977,Dr Habil. 1980), in years 1981-1987 Associate Professor and then Professor at the Institute of Computing Science Poznan University of Technology and at the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Computer Science, Polish Academy of Sciences. He held a position of a Deputy Dean of the Electrical Engineering Faculty, Poznan University of Technology (1981-1984). Since 1987 he has been a Deputy Director of the Institute of Computing Science. He has been visiting Professor at several foreign universities, among others at the Technical University of Nova Scotia, Halifax (Canada), Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (Switzerland), Ecole Nationale Superieure de Genie Industriel, Grenoble (France), Technische Universitaet Clausthal (Germany). Author and co-author of 7 monographs, 3 textbooks and over 140 papers in major scientific journals and proceedings of conferences in the field. Member of the Committee for Computer Science of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Polish Information Processing Society (member of the executive board 1984-86), Polish Cybernetical Society, American Mathematical Society, Mathematical Programming Society and Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. Member of the Editorial Boards of Mathematics of Industrial Systems and Foundations of Computing and Decision Sciences. Program committee member of several international conferences. Co-laureate of the State Award (1988) and the EURO Gold Medal (1991).