Problem C

                           Problem C

Let’s  be  given a rectangular matrix. There are M rows  and  N
columns  in that matrix. Let us also assume that M*N <=  60000.
This  matrix can be filled with the following characters  (each
character indicates a different colour):

     .   (dot) - the background
    A-Z (only capital letters) - different colours

Each  position in the matrix contains one character  indicating
either the background or the assigned colour. The same adjacent
characters  create  a  coloured  area  (shape).  Consider   the
following matrix:

    . . . . . . .
    . . 1 2 3 . .
    . . 8 A 4 . .
    . . 7 6 5 . .
    . . . . . . .

Letter  A in the middle creates a consistent area with  another
letter  (or  letters)  A  placed in  any  position  (positions)
numbered from 1 to 8.

A  Single  letter  A, surrounded only by background  characters
(i.e. dots) or letters other than A  forms the consistent area,

Letters  do not belong to the same consistent area if there  is
any  gap  between them i.e. they are separated by  a  different
letter   (representing   a  different   colour)   or   by   dot
Let’s consider the following matrices:

    . . . . .       . . .
    . A . A .  or   A B A
    . . . . .       . . .

In  each matrix presented above letters A do not form a  single
consistent area, but two separate areas.

The input contains a matrix with some shapes. Some of them have
got  neighbours  (in  different colours, of course).  Different
shapes  are treated as neighbours if there exists any  location
where  one shape adheres to the other. In that case we can  say
that the colours of these shapes are the neighbour colours.
For  each colour occurring in the input matrix your program has
to  count  how many consistent areas (shapes) have that  colour
and  it should also write its neighbours’ colours (if there are
First line contains two numbers:
*   N  - number of columns,
*   M - number of rows
and next lines contain the matrix with shapes.

As  a result, for every colour which occurs in the input matrix
you should write:
*   the name of that colour (the proper capital letter),
*   the number of consistent areas in that colour,
*   and colours of all the neighbours (if there are any).



20 9


Results :
Color A - 2   Neighbours: B Q
Color B - 1   Neighbours: A G
Color F - 4   Neighbours:
Color G - 1   Neighbours: B
Color Q - 2   Neighbours: A


Rozwiazanie  polega  na  zastosowaniu  "algorytmu  malarza"  do
wypelnienia   obszarow   w  tablicy.   Obszary   do   kolejnego
wypelniania wybierane sa poprzez przegladanie kolejnych pozycji
w  tablicy. Jesli kolor w tablicy rożny jest od koloru  tla  to
wywolujemy  procedurę  wypelniania od tej pozycji.  Wypelnianie
polega  na  zamianie koloru wypelnianego obszaru na  kolor  tla
Zastosowana metoda wypelniania zapewnia "ustawienie" wszystkich
punktow  obszaru  spojnego na kolor tla  Jednoczesnie  zliczana
jest  liczba obszarow w danym kolorze. Po ustawieniu wszystkich
punktow  macierzy  na  kolor  tla  wypisywana  jest  informacja


input        40 16

output   Results :
        Color A - 1   Neighbours: C G Q
        Color B - 2   Neighbours: Q
        Color C - 1   Neighbours: A
        Color G - 9   Neighbours: A
        Color Q - 4   Neighbours: A B


input        the matrix of the size:  600 X 100
         ADGJMPS.ADGJMPS ...
         DGJMPS.ADGJMPS ...
output   Results :
        Color A - 88  Neighbours: D G S
        Color D - 88  Neighbours: A G J
        Color G - 88  Neighbours: A D J M
        Color J - 87  Neighbours: D G M P
        Color M - 87  Neighbours: G J P S
        Color P - 87  Neighbours: J M S
        Color S - 87  Neighbours: A M P


input        the matrix of the size:  60000 X 1
         AFKPU. AFKPU. AFKPU. AFKPU. ...
output   Results :
        Color A - 10000    Neighbours: F
        Color F - 10000    Neighbours: A K
        Color K - 10000    Neighbours: F P
        Color P - 10000    Neighbours: K U
        Color U - 10000    Neighbours: P


input        matrix of the size:  1 X 60000
output   Results :
         Color A - 10000    Neighbours: F
         Color F - 10000    Neighbours: A K
         Color K - 10000    Neighbours: F P
         Color P - 10000    Neighbours: K U
         Color U - 10000    Neighbours: P



long rows,cols;
char *tab;
unsigned long neighbours[30]; /*neighbours for given color*/
long shapes[30];      /*counters for shapes */

void markNeighbour(int n,char color){
  neighbours[n]|=((unsigned long)1L<<(color-'A'));

void printNeighbours(int n){
  int i;
  for (i=0;i<30;i++)
   if (neighbours[n] & ((unsigned long)1L<=0)  fill(x-1,y,ch);
  if (y+1=0)  fill(x,y-1,ch);
  if (y-1>=0 && x+1=0 && x-1>=0) fill(x-1,y-1,ch);
  if (y+1=0) fill(x-1,y+1,ch);

void scan(){
  long i,j;
  char ch;

  for (j=0;j0)
     printf("Color %c - %ld\tNeighbours: ",i+'A',shapes[i]);

int main()
   if (tab) free(tab);
   return 0;

© zwir, wierzej, Mon Oct 28 23:01:26 MET DST 1996