Problem B


B.  Kordiemski in his book on mathematical puzzles has included
the following task:
Let's  consider a square of size N x N (N<=100). The square  is
filled  with all the integer  numbers from 1 to N*N located  in
it  randomly. Each position is described by its coordinates [r,
c]  where r describes the row number and c is the column number
(r, c >=1). See the following figure:

   4 6 9
   3 8 2    (Fig. 1)
   7 1 5

You  have  to  place the numbers in the ascending order  -  the
final square should be as follows:

   1 2 3
   4 5 6    (Fig. 2)
   7 8 9

In order to obtain such a result you can swap 2 positions in  a
square. For instance you can swap positions [3, 2] and  [1,  1]
in Fig. 1. After that you will obtain the following square:

   1 6 9
   3 8 2    (Fig. 3)
   7 4 5

Then, you can swap another pair of positions. Each swapping  is
a  single move. Your goal is to determine the minimal number of
moves necessary to obtain the ascending order of numbers for  a
given square. To avoid the unnecessary moves you should try  to
invent  a  kind  of swapping strategy (which  pairs  should  be
swapped in what order).

The input contains:
·   N - the number of rows equal to the number of columns
·    a  square  - sequence of integer numbers constituting  the

The output should contain the minimal number of moves necessary
to obtain the ascending order in a given square.

Let's consider the following square:

  3 2 5
  4 7 8     (Fig. 4)
  1 9 6

In  that  case,  if  you want to obtain the minimal  number  of
swappings,  you  have to move numer 1 from  position  [3,1]  to
[1,1],  number  7 from [2,2] to [3,1], number 5 from  [1,3]  to
[2,2]  and  number 3 from [1,1] to [1,3].You can do it  by  the
following swappings:

        swap  [3,1 ] and [1, 1];      swap [3, 1] and  [2,  2];
swap [2, 2] and [1, 3]

Another group of swappings is connected with numbers 6,  8  and
9. You have to move number 6 from [3,3] to [2,3], number 8 from
[2,3] to [3,2] and number 9 from [3,2] to [3,3]. You can do  it
by swappings:

        swap [2, 3] and [3, 3];    swap [3, 2] and [3,3]

(Note  that, the numbers 2 and 4 remain untouched as  they  are
at the right positions in the input square).

Making  the  above  5 swappings gives you  (as  a  result)  the
ordered square and this is also the minimal number of swappings
necessary to get such a square.



3 1 5
4 2 8
6 7 9


Movements: 5



16 15 14 13
12 11 10  9
 8  7  6  5
 4  3  2  1


Movements: 8


Rozpatrzmy kwadrat:4 6 9
                    8 2 1
                    7 3 5

Minimalna liczba przestawien moze byc osiagnieta gdy bedziemy
zamieniali liczby wedlug nastepujacego schematu:

Zapiszmy liczby w ciagu:

    liczba       4  6  9  8  2  1  7  3  5
    numer pola    1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9

Na pozycji 1 musi byc jedynka. Zamieniamy wiec liczby 4 i 1.  W
wyniku tego  liczba cztery znajdzie sie na pozycji 6:

    liczba       1  6  9  8  2  4  7  3  5
    numer pola    1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9

  Na  tej  pozycji powinna byc 6, wiec kolejna  zamiana  bedzie
 liczb 4 i 6. Czworka znajdzie sie teraz na pozycji 2:

    liczba            1  4  9  8  2  6  7  3  5
    numer pola    1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9

I  tak  dalej,  az  4  nie znajdzie sie na pozycji  4.  Wowczas
bierzemy  kolejna  liczbe, ktora jeszcze nie  znalazla  sie  na
swojej pozycji i rozpoczynamy podobny ciag zamian. Kontynuujemy
tak dlugo, az wszystkie liczby znajda sie na swoich pozycjach.
W naszym przypadku otrzymujemy nastepujacy ciag zamian:
( w ogolnosci takich ciagow moze byc kilka)

           4 - 1, 4 - 6, 4 - 2, 4 - 5, 4 - 9, 4 - 3, 4 - 8

W sumie:  7 zamian - i to jest nasze rozwiazanie

Zadanie zaczerpnieto z ksiazki:
 B. Kordiemski " Rozrywki Matematyczne ", Wiedza Powszechna,
                     Warszawa 1956, wyd. I


input        3
         4 6 9
         8 2 1
         7 3 5

output   Movements: 7


input        5
          7 24 10 19  3
         12 20  8 22 23
          2 15 25 18 13
         11 21  5  9 16
         17  4 14  1  6
output   Movements: 19


input        4
         16 15 14 13
         12 11 10  9
          8  7  6  5
          4  3  2  1
output   Movements: 8


input        3
         3 1 5
         4 2 8
         6 7 9
output   Movements: 5


input        matrix of the size   100 x 100
output   Movements: 5943



int N;
int *tab;

int change(int from)
  int i,a;

  if (tab[from]==from) return 0;

  for (i=0;i
© zwir, wierzej, Mon Oct 28 23:01:26 MET DST 1996