Aims and Scope



Important Dates

Aims and Scope
The  aim  of the conference is to provide a forum for the exchange
of   scientific  achievements  between  the  research  communities
of  Eastern  Europe  and the rest of the world   in  the  area  of
databases and information systems.

The  Symposium continues the series of ADBIS events  organized  by
the  Moscow  ACM  SIGMOD  Chapter  and  held  in  Moscow  and  St.
Petersburg.  ACM SIGMOD will actively support the organization  of
the Symposia  and  warrant  the  high  quality of the program. The
organizers  have  the  ambition to make the  ADBIS  Symposium  the
premier  database  and information systems conference  in  Eastern
Europe,   to   increase  interaction  and  collaboration   between
researchers  from East and West and to provide an  internationally
recognized tribune for the presentation of research.

The official language of the conference will be English.
The  symposium  will  consist of regular sessions  with  technical
contributions  reviewed and selected by an  international  program
committee,  as  well  as of invited talks and tutorials  given  by
leading experts. 


The   ADBIS'98  Symposium  focuses  on  emerging   and  innovative
approaches  through which advanced information  systems  (IS)  and
system-level  functions can be  developed  within   the   distinct
frameworks.  New  large- and middle-scaled  IS  components,  their
performance  issues,  their reliability, their  architectures  and
applications,  and  progress in their design,  implementation  and
deployment technologies will continue to be emphasized.

Additionally, the symposium addresses to the uprising subjects and
topics.  Among  these  are  the emerging  theories,  computational
principles,  technologies  and architectures  within  which  novel
principles and techniques can be developed and applied to  address
practical issues for large- and middle-scaled information systems,
such  as integrity constraints,  consistency, performance,  object
management,  interoperability,  cooperative  systems,  transaction
management, distributed computations, client-server systems, etc.

Submissions  are invited on topics including, but not limited  to,
the following:


We solicit contribution of  the following kinds:

The  category  'full  research papers' is intended  for  technical
papers  describing research accomplishment. They should not exceed
20  double-spaced pages or 5000 words. Short research  papers  are
intended  for papers that report interesting results  and  do  not
justify  a  full paper. They should be limited to 8  double-spaced
pages  or 2000 words. We also solicit submissions of short  papers
focusing   on  industrial  experience  with  databases,   database
systems,  and  other data-related technologies.  Industrial  track
short  papers should also be limited to 8 double-spaced  pages  or
2000 words.

To  enable  the  'blind reviewing' of the papers,  each  submitted
paper must include the following:

The authors are invited to submit their papers electronically in a
device-independent PostScript format following the Adobe  Document
Structuring Conventions (ADSC), page size: A4, by e-mail to:


In addition, a separate e-mail message should be sent containing:

Submitted papers will be refereed by at least three reviewers  for
quality,  correctness, originality and relevance. Accepted  papers
will be presented at the Symposium and printed in the proceedings,
which  will  be  available at the Symposium. Full research  papers
will  be  published  in  the  Springer series  'Lecture  Notes  in
Computer  Science', which will be available at the Symposium.  The
final  versions of the papers should be formatted using  LaTeX  to
facilitate the process of preparing camera-ready copies for  being
printed in the proceedings.
Panel proposals should include a 1-2 page summary of the topic and
the  names  and  affiliations of 3-4 panelists  who  have  made  a
commitment  to  participate. A mix of industry and academic  panel
members is recommended.  Tutorial proposals  should also include a
1- 2 page summary. The proposals should be submitted by e-mail.

Receipt of submissions will be acknowledged by e-mail. 

Important Dates