Thursday, April 11 1995

9.30–10.50 T1.1 Project Scheduling with Cost Criteria
Chairman: WILLY HERROELEN (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Belgium)
T1.1.1. Resource constrained project scheduling problem with multiple crashable modes: a heuristic procedure
T. Ahn, S. Erenguc
T1.1.2. An exact solution procedure for maximizing the net present value of cash flows in a network
S. Baroum, J. H. Patterson
T1.1.3. Minimizing resource costs when meeting tight deadlines in a project environment
R. Kolisch, T. Frase
T1.1.4. The impact of sequencing decisions in multi-stage lot sizing and scheduling
J. Ouenniche, F. Boctor
9.30–10.50 T1.2 Parallel Machine Scheduling
Chairman: LUCIO BIANCO (IASI, Roma, Italy)
T1.2.1. Parallel machine scheduling by column generation
J. M. van den Akker, J. A. Hoogeveen, S. L. van de Velde
T1.2.2. Parallel machine scheduling with a common server
N. G. Hall, C. N. Potts, C. Sriskandarajah
T1.2.3. Block and pair branching decisions during frame iteration in machine scheduling
P. Helbig, G. Deweß
T1.2.4. Local search metaheuristics for discrete-continuous scheduling problems
J. Józefowska, M. Mika, R. Rózycki, G. Waligóra, J. Weglarz
11.10–12.30 T2.1 Multi-Mode Project Scheduling
Chairman: JAMES H. PATTERSON (Indiana University, Bloomington, USA)
T2.1.1. Multimode project scheduling problems with dedicated resources
L. Bianco, P. Dell'Olmo, M. G. Speranza
T2.1.2. Optimal and suboptimal procedures for the discrete time/resource trade-off problem in project networks
E. Demeulemeester, B. De Reyck, W. Herroelen
T2.1.3. A genetic algorithm approach for the multi-mode project scheduling problem under general resource categories
L. Özdamar
T2.1.4. Multi-mode resource-constrained project scheduling by using an efficient sequencing algorithm
A. Sprecher, A. Drexl
11.10–12.30 T2.2 Flow Shop Scheduling I
Chairman: JACQUES CARLIER (Universit de Technologie de Compigne, Compigne, France)
T2.2.1. Some hybrid flowshop scheduling by crossing branch and bound and genetic algorithms
M. C. Portmann, A. Vignier, D. Dardilhac, D. Dezalay
T2.2.2. Branch and bound approaches to a bicriteria 2-machine permutation flowshop problem
F. S. Serifoglu, G. Ulusoy
T2.2.3. Resolution of a hybrid flowshop with a parallel genetic algorithm
A. Vignier, G. Venturini
T2.2.4. Minimizing maximum tardiness in some two-stage hybrid flowshops
A. Vignier, J. C. Billaut, C. Proust
11.10–12.30 T2.1 Multi-Mode Project Scheduling
Chairman: JAMES H. PATTERSON (Indiana University, Bloomington, USA)
T2.1.1. Multimode project scheduling problems with dedicated resources
L. Bianco, P. Dell'Olmo, M. G. Speranza
T2.1.2. Optimal and suboptimal procedures for the discrete time/resource trade-off problem in project networks
E. Demeulemeester, B. De Reyck, W. Herroelen
T2.1.3. A genetic algorithm approach for the multi-mode project scheduling problem under general resource categories
L. Φzdamar
T2.1.4. Multi-mode resource-constrained project scheduling by using an efficient sequencing algorithm
A. Sprecher, A. Drexl
14.10–15.20 T3.1 Resource Constrained Project Scheduling I
Chairman: ANDREAS DREXL (Christian-Albrecht-Universitt zu Kiel, Germany)
T3.1.1. A new branch and bound method for solving the resource constrained project scheduling problem
J. Carlier, E. Neron
T3.1.2. Professional software for resource constrained scheduling: heuristic and exact methods
C. Maroto, P. Tormos, A. Lova, F. Crespo
T3.1.3. Scheduling with resource allocation using tabu search
AW. Roux, S. Dauzere-Peres, J. B. Lasserre, J. Paulli
T3.1.4. A new branch-and-bound-based heuristic for resource-constrained project scheduling with minimal and maximal time lags
C. Schwindt, K. Neumann
14.10-15.20 T3.2 Open Shop Scheduling
Chairman: EUGENE LEVNER (Tel-Aviv University, Holon, Israel)
T3.2.1. Classical and new heuristics for the open shop problem. A computational evaluation.
C. Gueret, C. Prins
T3.2.2. Open-shop unit-time problems with symmetric objective functions
N. V. Shakhlevich
T3.2.3. Open shop scheduling problem with route-dependent processing times
V. A. Strusevich, A. J. A. van de Waart, R. Dekker
T3.2.4. Efficient integer programming formulations for scheduling problems
J. C. Yao, T. C. Lai
15.40-17.00 T4.1 DSS for Scheduling Problems
Chairman: GÜNDÜZ ULUSOY (Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey)
T4.1.1. DSS for loading Ro-Ro vessels
W. Czuchra, W. Filipowicz, P. Jedrzejowicz, P. Malek
T4.1.2. CLIPS: a capacity and lead time integrated procedure for scheduling
P. Ivens, M. Lambrecht, N. Vandaele
T4.1.3. Consistency enforcing in scheduling: a general formulation based on energetic reasoning
P. Lopez, P. Esquirol
T4.1.4. Developments in air-defence decision support system
A. Najgebauer
15.40-17.00 T4.2 Scheduling in Manufacturing Systems
Chairman: GÜNTER SCHMIDT (Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken, Germany)
T4.2.1. Scheduling tasks in Flexible Manufacturing System
J. Blazewicz, G. Finke, G. Pawlak
T4.2.2. Sequencing with ordered criteria, precedence and group technology constraints
A. Janiak, Y. M. Shafransky, A. V. Tuzikov
T4.2.3. The two-group heuristic for multi-stage lot-sizing and scheduling
J. Ouenniche, F. Boctor
T4.2.4. A multi-objective scheduling problem in flexible assembly systems with setup classes
A. T. Ünal
17.00–18.30 T5 Software Presentation
The following software will be presented in parallel:
1: Time/cost trade-off problem
E. Demeulemeester, W. Herroelen
2: RCPS to minimize resource cost
E. Demeulemeester, W. Herroelen
3: RCPS of preemptable tasks to minimize project duration
E. Demeulemeester, W. Herroelen
4: RCPS of nonpreemptable tasks to minimize project duration with precedence constraints
E. Demeulemeester, W. Herroelen
5: RCPS of nonpreemptable tasks to minimize project duration without precedence constraints
E. Demeulemeester, W. Herroelen
6: RCPS with fuzzy time parameters
P. Kominek, M. Hapke, R. Slowinski
7: Deterministic machine scheduling
C. Laskowski, G. Pawlak
8: An expert system for resource allocation problems
M. Latkowski, J. Nabrzyski, J. Weglarz
9: Heuristic optimization of project duration with renewable resources
P. Tormos
10: RCPS with release times and due dates
N. Beldiceanu
11: RCPS of nonpreemptable tasks to minimize project duration
N. Beldiceanu

Friday, April 12, 1996

9.00-10.20 F1.1 Resource Constrained Project Scheduling II
Chairman: LUIS VALADARES TAVARES (Instituto Superior Technico, Lisbon, Portugal)
F1.1.1. Solving resource-constrained project scheduling problems with CHIP
N. Beldiceanu, E. Bourreau, D. Rivreau, H. Simonis
F1.1.2. A branch-and-bound procedure for project scheduling with partially renewable resource constraints
J. Böttcher, A. Drexl, R. Kolisch
F1.1.3. On m-processor based scheduling for resource-constrained projects
M. Cyzio, E. Toczylowski
F1.1.4. Resource-constrained project scheduling with several execution modes and job splitting
A. Ramudhin, P. Marier, F. Boctor
9.00-10.20 F1.2 Job Shop Scheduling
Chairman: GÜNTER DEWEß (Wissenschaftszentrum Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany)
F1.2.1. New adjustment of heads and tails for the job shop scheduling problem
J. Carlier, L. Peridy, E. Pinson
F1.2.2. F1.2.2. Minimizing weighted mean flow-time in two-machine shop problems with 0-1 execution times
I. N. Lushchakova, S. A. Kravchenko
F1.2.3. Combining branch and bound with a genetic algorithm for job shop scheduling problems
G. McMahon, D. Hadinoto
F1.2.4. Using a tabu thresholding algorithm for solving a generalized job-shop problem
V. Valls, M. A. Perez, M. S. Quintanilla
10.40–12.00 F2.1 Other Models in Project Scheduling
Chairman: GRAHAM McMAHON (Bond University, Gold Coast, Australia)
F2.1.1. Interactive analysis of multiple-criteria project scheduling problems
M. Hapke, A. Jaszkiewicz, R. Slowinski
F2.1.2. Greedy look ahead methods for project scheduling under resource and mode identity constraints
F. Salewski, S. Lieberam-Schmidt
F2.1.3. From project scheduling to workflow management
G. Schmidt
F2.1.4. Optimization for planning multi-project programs
V. D. Wiley, R. F. Deckro, J. A. Jackson, Jr.
10.40–12.00 F2.2 Flow Shop Scheduling II
Chairman: CHRIS POTTS (University of Southampton, Southampton, UK)
F2.2.1. Sub-optimal groups of sequences in the classical flow-shop F2||Cmax
P. Baptiste
F2.2.2. Minimizing total completion time in a two-machine flowshop: analysis of special cases
J. A. Hoogeveen, T. Kawaguchi
F2.2.3. The constrained cyclic robotic flowshop problem: a solvable case
V. Kats, E. Levner
F2.2.4. Minimizing different measures of performance in a n job m machine permutation flow shop
I. Rebai, J. Carlier

Saturday, April 13 1996

9.30–10.50 S1.1 Resource Constrained Project Scheduling III
Chairman: RICHARD F. DECRO (Air Force Institute of Technology/ENS, Wright-Patterson AFB, USA)
S1.1.1. Assembly line balancing by resource-constrained project scheduling techniques – a critical appraisal
B. De Reyck, W. Herroelen
S1.1.2. Priority-rule methods for the resource-constrained project scheduling problem with minimal and maximal time lags – an empirical analysis
B. Franck, K. Neumann
S1.1.3. An automatic procedure for drawing directed graphs
P. Lino, R. Marti, V. Valls
S1.1.4. On the scheduling policy for symmetric re-entrant lines
C. L. Wang
9.30–10.50 S1.2 Single Machine Scheduling I
Chairman: STEEF L. VAN DE VELDE (Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, Netherlands)
S1.2.1. Reductions of complex scheduling problems to single machine problems with arbitrary time lags
P. Brucker, T. Hilbig, J. Hurink
S1.2.2. Branch & bound methods for single machine problems with arbitrary time lags
P. Brucker, T. Hilbig, J. Hurink
S1.2.3. Single machine scheduling with generalized release and due dates to minimize the weighted number of late jobs
V. Gordon, W. Kubiak
S1.2.4. Optimal on-line algorithms for single-machine scheduling
J. A. Hoogeveen, A. Vestjens
11.10–12.30 S2.1 Project Management and Evaluation
Chairman: ERIC DEMEULEMEESTER (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Belgium)
S2.1.1. An approach to model and evaluate innovation and concurrent engineering projects
O. Grunder, P. Baptiste, O. Barakat
S2.1.2. Hierarchical morphological design in project management
M. Sh. Levin
S2.1.3. Preprocessing techniques for the number of workers minimization problem
V. Valls, M. A. Perez, M. S. Quintanilla
11.10–12.30 S2.2 Single Machine Scheduling II
Chairman: PETER BRUCKER (Universität Osnabrück, Osnabrück, Germany)
S2.2.1. Scheduling with learning effects on job processing times
T. C. E. Cheng, M. Kovalyov
S2.2.2. Earliest completition time and shortest remaining processing time sequencing rules
M. Sh. Levin
S2.2.3. Dynasearch – iterative improvement by dynamic programming: Part I. The traveling salesman problem
C. N. Potts, S. L. van de Velde
S2.2.4. Scheduling routine events on one processor
R. Wegner
14.00–15.20 S3.1 Stochastic Models in Scheduling
Chairman: VICENTE VALLS (Universitat de Valencia, Valencia, Spain)
S3.1.1. Air-raid designing as a recurrent scheduling problem
M. Chudy, A. Najgebauer, T. Nowicki
S3.1.2. Stochastic bi-objective scheduling problem in a multiprocessor computer system
T. Nowicki
S3.1.3. Project Management and Scheduling in a stochastic enviroment - a step towards innovation project
E. Ramat, C. Lente, C. Tacquard
S3.1.4. On the optimal management of project risk
L. Valadares Tavares, J. A. Antunes Ferreira
14.00–15.20 S3.2 Other models in machine scheduling
Chairman: WIESLAW KUBIAK (Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada)
S3.2.1. Preemptive multiprocessor task scheduling with release times and time windows
L. Bianco, P. Dell'Olmo, J. Blazewicz, M. Drozdowski
S3.2.2. No-wait scheduling of biprocessor tasks on dedicated processors
M. Kubale, K. Giaro, M. Malafiejski
S3.2.3. Distributed scheduling using simple learning machines
F. Seredynski
S3.2.4. CROSS A Combined Relation-Operation Based Scheduling System
J. M. N. Viegas, L. M. M. Custodio, C. A. Pinto-Ferreira

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Last updated 1996.03.22 by Marek Mika