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8.009.00 | REGISTRATION | |
9.009.15 | OPENING SESSION | |
9.3010.50 | T1.1 | Project Scheduling with Cost Criteria Chairman: WILLY HERROELEN (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Belgium) |
T1.1.1. | Resource constrained project scheduling problem with multiple crashable modes:
a heuristic procedure T. Ahn, S. Erenguc |
T1.1.2. | An exact solution procedure for maximizing the net present value of cash flows in a network S. Baroum, J. H. Patterson |
T1.1.3. | Minimizing resource costs when meeting tight deadlines in a project environment R. Kolisch, T. Frase |
T1.1.4. | The impact of sequencing decisions in multi-stage lot sizing and scheduling J. Ouenniche, F. Boctor |
9.3010.50 | T1.2 | Parallel Machine Scheduling Chairman: LUCIO BIANCO (IASI, Roma, Italy) |
T1.2.1. | Parallel machine scheduling by column generation
J. M. van den Akker, J. A. Hoogeveen, S. L. van de Velde |
T1.2.2. | Parallel machine scheduling with a common server N. G. Hall, C. N. Potts, C. Sriskandarajah |
T1.2.3. | Block and pair branching decisions during frame iteration in machine scheduling P. Helbig, G. Deweß |
T1.2.4. | Local search metaheuristics for discrete-continuous scheduling problems J. Józefowska, M. Mika, R. Rózycki, G. Waligóra, J. Weglarz |
11.1012.30 | T2.1 | Multi-Mode Project Scheduling Chairman: JAMES H. PATTERSON (Indiana University, Bloomington, USA) |
T2.1.1. | Multimode project scheduling problems with dedicated resources L. Bianco, P. Dell'Olmo, M. G. Speranza |
T2.1.2. | Optimal and suboptimal procedures for the discrete time/resource trade-off problem in project networks E. Demeulemeester, B. De Reyck, W. Herroelen |
T2.1.3. | A genetic algorithm approach for the multi-mode project scheduling problem under general resource categories L. Özdamar |
T2.1.4. | Multi-mode resource-constrained project scheduling by using an efficient sequencing algorithm A. Sprecher, A. Drexl |
11.1012.30 | T2.2 | Flow Shop Scheduling I Chairman: JACQUES CARLIER (Universit de Technologie de Compigne, Compigne, France) |
T2.2.1. | Some hybrid flowshop scheduling by crossing branch and bound and genetic algorithms M. C. Portmann, A. Vignier, D. Dardilhac, D. Dezalay |
T2.2.2. | Branch and bound approaches to a bicriteria 2-machine permutation flowshop problem F. S. Serifoglu, G. Ulusoy |
T2.2.3. | Resolution of a hybrid flowshop with a parallel genetic algorithm A. Vignier, G. Venturini |
T2.2.4. | Minimizing maximum tardiness in some two-stage hybrid flowshops A. Vignier, J. C. Billaut, C. Proust |
11.1012.30 | T2.1 | Multi-Mode Project Scheduling Chairman: JAMES H. PATTERSON (Indiana University, Bloomington, USA) |
T2.1.1. | Multimode project scheduling problems with dedicated resources L. Bianco, P. Dell'Olmo, M. G. Speranza |
T2.1.2. | Optimal and suboptimal procedures for the discrete time/resource trade-off problem in project networks E. Demeulemeester, B. De Reyck, W. Herroelen |
T2.1.3. | A genetic algorithm approach for the multi-mode project scheduling problem under general resource categories L. Φzdamar |
T2.1.4. | Multi-mode resource-constrained project scheduling by using an efficient sequencing algorithm A. Sprecher, A. Drexl |
14.1015.20 | T3.1 | Resource Constrained Project Scheduling I Chairman: ANDREAS DREXL (Christian-Albrecht-Universitt zu Kiel, Germany) |
T3.1.1. | A new branch and bound method for solving the resource constrained project scheduling problem J. Carlier, E. Neron |
T3.1.2. | Professional software for resource constrained scheduling: heuristic and exact methods C. Maroto, P. Tormos, A. Lova, F. Crespo |
T3.1.3. | Scheduling with resource allocation using tabu search AW. Roux, S. Dauzere-Peres, J. B. Lasserre, J. Paulli |
T3.1.4. | A new branch-and-bound-based heuristic for resource-constrained project scheduling with minimal and maximal time lags C. Schwindt, K. Neumann |
14.10-15.20 | T3.2 | Open Shop Scheduling Chairman: EUGENE LEVNER (Tel-Aviv University, Holon, Israel) |
T3.2.1. | Classical and new heuristics for the open shop problem. A computational evaluation. C. Gueret, C. Prins |
T3.2.2. | Open-shop unit-time problems with symmetric objective functions N. V. Shakhlevich |
T3.2.3. | Open shop scheduling problem with route-dependent processing times V. A. Strusevich, A. J. A. van de Waart, R. Dekker |
T3.2.4. | Efficient integer programming formulations for scheduling problems J. C. Yao, T. C. Lai |
15.40-17.00 | T4.1 | DSS for Scheduling Problems Chairman: GÜNDÜZ ULUSOY (Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey) |
T4.1.1. | DSS for loading Ro-Ro vessels W. Czuchra, W. Filipowicz, P. Jedrzejowicz, P. Malek |
T4.1.2. | CLIPS: a capacity and lead time integrated procedure for scheduling P. Ivens, M. Lambrecht, N. Vandaele |
T4.1.3. | Consistency enforcing in scheduling: a general formulation based on energetic reasoning P. Lopez, P. Esquirol |
T4.1.4. | Developments in air-defence decision support system A. Najgebauer |
15.40-17.00 | T4.2 | Scheduling in Manufacturing Systems Chairman: GÜNTER SCHMIDT (Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken, Germany) |
T4.2.1. | Scheduling tasks in Flexible Manufacturing System J. Blazewicz, G. Finke, G. Pawlak |
T4.2.2. | Sequencing with ordered criteria, precedence and group technology constraints A. Janiak, Y. M. Shafransky, A. V. Tuzikov |
T4.2.3. | The two-group heuristic for multi-stage lot-sizing and scheduling J. Ouenniche, F. Boctor |
T4.2.4. | A multi-objective scheduling problem in flexible assembly systems with setup classes A. T. Ünal |
17.0018.30 | T5 | Software Presentation The following software will be presented in parallel: |
1: | Time/cost trade-off problem E. Demeulemeester, W. Herroelen |
2: | RCPS to minimize resource cost E. Demeulemeester, W. Herroelen |
3: | RCPS of preemptable tasks to minimize project duration E. Demeulemeester, W. Herroelen |
4: | RCPS of nonpreemptable tasks to minimize project duration with precedence constraints E. Demeulemeester, W. Herroelen |
5: | RCPS of nonpreemptable tasks to minimize project duration without precedence constraints E. Demeulemeester, W. Herroelen |
6: | RCPS with fuzzy time parameters P. Kominek, M. Hapke, R. Slowinski |
7: | Deterministic machine scheduling C. Laskowski, G. Pawlak |
8: | An expert system for resource allocation problems M. Latkowski, J. Nabrzyski, J. Weglarz |
9: | Heuristic optimization of project duration with renewable resources P. Tormos |
10: | RCPS with release times and due dates N. Beldiceanu |
11: | RCPS of nonpreemptable tasks to minimize project duration N. Beldiceanu |
9.00-10.20 | F1.1 | Resource Constrained Project Scheduling II Chairman: LUIS VALADARES TAVARES (Instituto Superior Technico, Lisbon, Portugal) |
F1.1.1. | Solving resource-constrained project scheduling problems with CHIP N. Beldiceanu, E. Bourreau, D. Rivreau, H. Simonis |
F1.1.2. | A branch-and-bound procedure for project scheduling with partially renewable resource constraints J. Böttcher, A. Drexl, R. Kolisch |
F1.1.3. | On m-processor based scheduling for resource-constrained projects M. Cyzio, E. Toczylowski |
F1.1.4. | Resource-constrained project scheduling with several execution modes and job splitting A. Ramudhin, P. Marier, F. Boctor |
9.00-10.20 | F1.2 | Job Shop Scheduling Chairman: GÜNTER DEWEß (Wissenschaftszentrum Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany) |
F1.2.1. | New adjustment of heads and tails for the job shop scheduling problem J. Carlier, L. Peridy, E. Pinson |
F1.2.2. | F1.2.2. Minimizing weighted mean flow-time in two-machine shop problems with 0-1 execution times I. N. Lushchakova, S. A. Kravchenko |
F1.2.3. | Combining branch and bound with a genetic algorithm for job shop scheduling problems G. McMahon, D. Hadinoto |
F1.2.4. | Using a tabu thresholding algorithm for solving a generalized job-shop problem V. Valls, M. A. Perez, M. S. Quintanilla |
10.4012.00 | F2.1 | Other Models in Project Scheduling Chairman: GRAHAM McMAHON (Bond University, Gold Coast, Australia) |
F2.1.1. | Interactive analysis of multiple-criteria project scheduling problems M. Hapke, A. Jaszkiewicz, R. Slowinski |
F2.1.2. | Greedy look ahead methods for project scheduling under resource and mode identity constraints F. Salewski, S. Lieberam-Schmidt |
F2.1.3. | From project scheduling to workflow management G. Schmidt |
F2.1.4. | Optimization for planning multi-project programs V. D. Wiley, R. F. Deckro, J. A. Jackson, Jr. |
10.4012.00 | F2.2 | Flow Shop Scheduling II Chairman: CHRIS POTTS (University of Southampton, Southampton, UK) |
F2.2.1. | Sub-optimal groups of sequences in the classical flow-shop F2||Cmax P. Baptiste |
F2.2.2. | Minimizing total completion time in a two-machine flowshop: analysis of special cases J. A. Hoogeveen, T. Kawaguchi |
F2.2.3. | The constrained cyclic robotic flowshop problem: a solvable case V. Kats, E. Levner |
F2.2.4. | Minimizing different measures of performance in a n job m machine permutation flow shop I. Rebai, J. Carlier |
9.3010.50 | S1.1 | Resource Constrained Project Scheduling III Chairman: RICHARD F. DECRO (Air Force Institute of Technology/ENS, Wright-Patterson AFB, USA) |
S1.1.1. | Assembly line balancing by resource-constrained project scheduling techniques a critical appraisal B. De Reyck, W. Herroelen |
S1.1.2. | Priority-rule methods for the resource-constrained project scheduling problem with minimal and maximal time lags an empirical analysis B. Franck, K. Neumann |
S1.1.3. | An automatic procedure for drawing directed graphs P. Lino, R. Marti, V. Valls |
S1.1.4. | On the scheduling policy for symmetric re-entrant lines C. L. Wang |
9.3010.50 | S1.2 | Single Machine Scheduling I Chairman: STEEF L. VAN DE VELDE (Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, Netherlands) |
S1.2.1. | Reductions of complex scheduling problems to single machine problems with arbitrary time lags P. Brucker, T. Hilbig, J. Hurink |
S1.2.2. | Branch & bound methods for single machine problems with arbitrary time lags P. Brucker, T. Hilbig, J. Hurink |
S1.2.3. | Single machine scheduling with generalized release and due dates to minimize the weighted number of late jobs V. Gordon, W. Kubiak |
S1.2.4. | Optimal on-line algorithms for single-machine scheduling J. A. Hoogeveen, A. Vestjens |
11.1012.30 | S2.1 | Project Management and Evaluation Chairman: ERIC DEMEULEMEESTER (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Belgium) |
S2.1.1. | An approach to model and evaluate innovation and concurrent engineering projects O. Grunder, P. Baptiste, O. Barakat |
S2.1.2. | Hierarchical morphological design in project management M. Sh. Levin |
S2.1.3. | Preprocessing techniques for the number of workers minimization problem V. Valls, M. A. Perez, M. S. Quintanilla |
11.1012.30 | S2.2 | Single Machine Scheduling II Chairman: PETER BRUCKER (Universität Osnabrück, Osnabrück, Germany) |
S2.2.1. | Scheduling with learning effects on job processing times T. C. E. Cheng, M. Kovalyov |
S2.2.2. | Earliest completition time and shortest remaining processing time sequencing rules M. Sh. Levin |
S2.2.3. | Dynasearch iterative improvement by dynamic programming: Part I. The traveling salesman problem C. N. Potts, S. L. van de Velde |
S2.2.4. | Scheduling routine events on one processor R. Wegner |
14.0015.20 | S3.1 | Stochastic Models in Scheduling Chairman: VICENTE VALLS (Universitat de Valencia, Valencia, Spain) |
S3.1.1. | Air-raid designing as a recurrent scheduling problem M. Chudy, A. Najgebauer, T. Nowicki |
S3.1.2. | Stochastic bi-objective scheduling problem in a multiprocessor computer system T. Nowicki |
S3.1.3. | Project Management and Scheduling in a stochastic enviroment - a step towards innovation project E. Ramat, C. Lente, C. Tacquard |
S3.1.4. | On the optimal management of project risk L. Valadares Tavares, J. A. Antunes Ferreira |
14.0015.20 | S3.2 | Other models in machine scheduling Chairman: WIESLAW KUBIAK (Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada) |
S3.2.1. | Preemptive multiprocessor task scheduling with release times and time windows L. Bianco, P. Dell'Olmo, J. Blazewicz, M. Drozdowski |
S3.2.2. | No-wait scheduling of biprocessor tasks on dedicated processors M. Kubale, K. Giaro, M. Malafiejski |
S3.2.3. | Distributed scheduling using simple learning machines F. Seredynski |
S3.2.4. | CROSS A Combined Relation-Operation Based Scheduling System J. M. N. Viegas, L. M. M. Custodio, C. A. Pinto-Ferreira |